I tracked down what the problem is. Magix did not program this function properly, so hopefully one of your MEP2016 programmers can fix this soon. I goes like this... When you change the name, you are thinking production not computer files. So when you change lets say "Evening News" to, "Evening News Two" you will loose your TAK because
it did not insert .tak after the new name. If when you are renaming a TAK you remember to enter it this way "Evening News Two.tak" ... Then it will work, but thats not the way editors think. The program should automatically add the .tak to the end of what ever the new name is.
Thank you Magix, over-all MEP 2016 is very nice and works very well. Thank you for fixing the way proxy files work. I had asked you to make the creation of proxy files a background function, that would not have you waiting, locked out of editing until the proxy file is completed. You got it right now! Now the proxy file grows at the beginning of the clip and works it way down the line, All the area where the proxy file is rendered plays smoothly, All with out unnecessary waiting. It would be nice if you had a colored line showing you the progress of the proxy file above the clip.
Who do I communicate with to make further suggestions?