Re Magix Studio 7 Deluxe

sockbox wrote on 7/22/2013, 6:15 AM

I bought Magix Studio 7 Deluxe 10 years ago for my PC and did not register it as I was not online at the time. The CD-Rom eventually disintegrated leaving me with an archive of work that I can't access. I can't email the company directly because my product wasn't registered. Any advice please? Ideally I'd like a replacement CD-R or a downloadable equivalent.


sockbox wrote on 7/22/2013, 6:17 AM

Bear in mind here that the CD-R was the dongle for the program so the disc was in constant use and the program is unusable without it.

gandjcarr wrote on 7/22/2013, 9:44 AM


I doubt that Magix even has a CD available for a 10 year old application, but you could try writing to them and if you still have it offer to send them the desintegrated CD as proof of purchase.  Other than that, all I can suggest is that you keep checking ebay, craigslist, etc to see if anyone else has a working copy that they would be willing to sell.

You could also try posting something on the Music Maker and Samplitude forums with the hope that someone there who has been around for a while may still have a copy that they no longer need and would be happy to help a long time user.

Finally, what type of files did this product produce? Perhaps there is a file conversion application that might help you get back your original files.

Finally, and I know hindsight is 20/20 but even now, I always make a habit of backing up pretty much everything I have to more than 1 source and always export my finished material to standard formats such as .wav (for audio) and .mp4 (for video) so even if I loose the ability to edit the source material, I still have a copy of the original work.

I feel really bad that you have a lot of work that you probably painstakingly created, and you can no longer access it.

That's about all I can offer.  

Good Luck,
