Re-activation of SoundForge PRo 11.0 not working!

David-Allport wrote on 7/17/2022, 11:58 PM

I have been a loyal SoundForge user on Windows for two decades, and upgraded continuously until a few years ago I stopped at Pro 11.0 and switched to using other software on the Mac. I still want to go back and use it sometimes, though, via Parallels. The problem is now, that after recent MacOS upgrades, SoundForge wants to be re-activated. I used the automated system to get an authentication code from BUT IT DOESN'T WORK!!! All I get is a message saying the code is invalid, and there is NOTHING ELSE I CAN DO!! There does not seem to be any way to contact a real person for support at Magix via email, so I am hoping someone will read this and tell me what I can do to resolve this. My only theory as to why the automated system didn't work, is that I have MULTIPLE serial numbers in my "Current Serial Number" field, since I have upgraded multiple times in the past. Or perhaps the machine ID changed after a Parallels upgrade?? I no longer have a "native" Windows machine I can test this on....


SP. wrote on 7/18/2022, 7:14 AM

@David-Allport Have you redownloaded the installer from your user account at ? I suspect that if you use an old version that still tries to connect to Sony servers it won't work because Sony shut them off. I think the version you can download from Magix is patched to work without the Sony servers, but you need to download it first.

rraud wrote on 7/18/2022, 9:44 AM

Did you use the same email address that you used when Sound Forge 11 was previously installed? That info was ported over to Magix in the acquisition. Your activation serial code and email address are paired and the email address you use to log-in to the Magix forums could be different. If you cannot recall email address you used, contact Magix customer service.
As @SP. stated, download the latest SFP-11 build from Magix and install that (build 345 I think)
I have zero experience using SF on a Mac / Windows boot, so that may be an issue.

btw, welcome to the Magix Sound Forge users forum @David-Allport

David-Allport wrote on 7/18/2022, 12:09 PM

@David-Allport Have you redownloaded the installer from your user account at ? I suspect that if you use an old version that still tries to connect to Sony servers it won't work because Sony shut them off. I think the version you can download from Magix is patched to work without the Sony servers, but you need to download it first.

Hi SP, thanks for your message. I tried re-downloading the installer (twice!!), and multiple attempts at running it all end up with this error message:

"MAGIX Installation manager - An error occured during transfer which caused the installation to stop. This problem can most likely by fixed by restarting the transfer of the installer application. If you experience further problems, contact the MAGIX support:"

Multiple attempted restarts of the installer do not fix the issue...

David-Allport wrote on 7/18/2022, 12:18 PM

Did you use the same email address that you used when Sound Forge 11 was previously installed? That info was ported over to Magix in the acquisition. Your activation serial code and email address are paired and the email address you use to log-in to the Magix forums could be different. If you cannot recall email address you used, contact Magix customer service.
As @SP. stated, download the latest SFP-11 build from Magix and install that (build 345 I think)
I have zero experience using SF on a Mac / Windows boot, so that may be an issue.

btw, welcome to the Magix Sound Forge users forum @David-Allport

Thank you, rraud, for your welcoming message! Unfortunately, I am sure that the email address is not the issue - I have used the same one consistently.

Also, having tried & failed to re-install the program, my previous installation now does not ask me to authenticate my software, but to REGISTER at, which takes me right back to the beginning of the problem...

Contacting MAGIX customer service is my next goal. My German is a bit rusty, but I think the message on the 1 775 562 0528 support number says that they are "currently closed", but available from 10 till 15, which is 2am->7am PST. So I'll get up very early tomorrow and try that!

rraud wrote on 7/18/2022, 12:37 PM

@David-Allport, try downloading the unpacked SFP-11 (build 345) installer from here (WeTransfer).

David-Allport wrote on 7/18/2022, 12:54 PM

@David-Allport, try downloading the unpacked SFP-11 (build 345) installer from here (WeTransfer).

Thank you again, rraud! I could not resist a few more attempts, and before I saw your message, I found this other solution:

I noticed that the crash during the installation to stop was actually happening during the installation of Izotope Mastering and Repair Suite (which was on the default list of things to be installed that came up). Once I had removed that, Noise Reduction, and two others to leave ONLY SFP11 to be installed, it almost worked. Then I just needed to UNINSTALL the previous version, and the SFP11-only install went through fine, and it even registered correctly on the MAGIX website when I launched it! Since I now have the complete Izotope Mastering Suite for Mac, as well as improved Noise Reduction tools, I no longer need them on the PC anyway...

So thank you all for your help here!