Random Collections appearing in my SoundPools

mometek wrote on 10/3/2023, 10:11 AM

It seems that every time I update Magix or purchase a Soundpool collection, some random collections that I hadn't purchased end up in my library. I try to keep only commercially licensed downloaded so I don't accidentally use non-commercial sounds in some book trailers and videos I plan on making.

I would go through my sounds, and find a collection I don't recognize, look it up on Producer Planet. Not only do I not own the Commercial license, I don't even own a non-commercial license for it.

If this isn't a glitch, and a promo type of deal, fine, but it needs to be marked. I'm more than willing to give it a listen and even buy it if it suits my needs. I just don't want to be dinged for copyright infringement.

Edit: I don't own *that* many collections, but I have mindlessly favorited some sounds that I was interested in, only to realize that I don't recall downloading said collection.

Imagine someone with hundreds of commercially owned collections. Someone is probably already infringing on some copyright, somewhere.


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