I regret to acknowledge on this Forum but actual video formats and Codecs is so far a totally alien area for me, and as such, when I do undertake some form of project within MEP. I normally choose to export the movie file in the 'QuickTime' format because it is a name I recognise, and am aware that from past exports, my movies play with no problems (normally) albeit I always use the (free) VLC Program for playback.
As such, a relative video novice I was 'alarmed' to read in my latest Computer Magazine today that "the flaws will never be fixed so uninstall QuickTime now!".It seems that QuickTime contains two serious security flaws within Windows that will never be fixed and that Experts are urging Windows Users to uninstall QuickTime now!
Now I NEVER use the 'QuickTime' Program (as I mention I always use VLC) to actually play movies but now obviously intending to uninstall the actual Program, should I continue to export my completed projects to that format and what happens to those movie files that are on my Computer saved in that Format? Is this also an issue or is just the Program that is the security issue?
Would appreciate any advice.