Questions regarding VSTi MIDI Tracks

Marc-Caroul wrote on 8/25/2022, 8:16 AM


Hello. I am using Samplitude Music Studio 2021 in Windows 8.1. For the attached screenshot, I am calling the green boxes the "upper box" and the red boxes the "lower box". Question #1: As you can see, sometimes my midi instruments appear only in the "upper box", sometimes only in the "lower box", and sometimes both. What is the significance of this? Question #2: How do I delete instruments I am not using from the "list" shown in the middle of the screen? It does not appear as simple as deleting a track with that instrument. In this example, I want to delete Kontakt. It appears in the "list" but I don't have any tracks with Kontakt; all of my tracks are set up with BBC Symphony Orchestra Instruments. Thank you.


SP. wrote on 8/25/2022, 9:03 AM

@Marc-Caroul The upper box is the MIDI output device loaded on this track. I'm not sure why your tracks don't show the output device. Could be a graphical bug. The lower box is part of the plugin-stack for the current track. For example, track 2 on the next screenshot has four effect plugins.

I think it is a bug, that Kontakt wasn't removed from the list. Try creating a new track and select the orphanded Kontakt entry as the MIDI Out/VSTi output. Then change the output to No VSTi. The Kontakt entry should be gone after doing this.

Marc-Caroul wrote on 8/25/2022, 9:21 PM

Thank you. Creating a new track with the orphanded Kontakt entry as the MIDI Out/VSTi output followed by the change to No VSTi seemed to resolve the issue. Quick question, in your example screenshot, is your Track 2 an auxiliary bus? Thanks again.

SP. wrote on 8/26/2022, 2:24 AM

@Marc-Caroul No, I didn't switch the track to be an AUX bus.