In Music Maker 2021 Premium 64 bit, latest updated version, Windows 7 Pro.
After much experimenting, I came to the following conclusion of the recording process:
1. click RECORD on track header, 2. go to ASIO, 3. click again RECORDING on track header, 4. press red button for recording, 5. play on keyboard with mouse (nothing is heard while playing), 6. stop, 7. deactivate RECORD on track header, 8, Go to Direct Sound, 9. Play the object created.
Should it be so complicated?
And there are additional issues/questions:
- how can I hear what I am playing while recording?
- how do I control sustain in the recordings? is there a way to create legato?
- the recorded object moves in steps; how can I control the exact position of it in a multitrack project?
- the recording comes in a high pitch, sometimes missing some high notes although I was NOT playing any keys in the right 1/3 of the keyboard range; how do I get low enough pitch? in my experiments the Effects allow a limited chage of pitch.
- when recording on a midi track (choir, orchestra, organ), the recorded object sounds like a single instrument/voice, missing the multivoiced richess of the organ, choir, orchestra; how do I record in rich “multivoiced” sound of the particular “instrument”?