questions about working with Music Maker.

Former user wrote on 8/10/2023, 11:34 AM

Hi all.Can anyone tell me how I can make a note quieter at the end.The Velocity tool has an effect on the whole note. For example, I have a note of 8 bars and I need to make the note normal in volume at the beginning, and at the end of 1 note to reduce the volume of one note.There is also a question about the integration of the MIDI keyboard Nektar Impact61+.Windows 11, AMD 7900 processor, Nvidia 4080.
In principle, the MIDI controller itself makes sounds, but I can not control anything.Is there any script or driver for integration?And also, is there any video tutorials on Music Maker. Only more in-depth lessons, not how to collect music from loops. For example, how to work with two MIDI tracks and how to edit them? How to work with a third-party editor.I have read the documentation, but it is written in technical terms. I am a beginner and I do not understand many terms at all.I hope this comment doesn't get deleted.


SP. wrote on 8/10/2023, 12:06 PM

@Former user The easiest way is to add a volume curve via the FX button in the track header. You can then also change the mouse mode to draw it easily.

You can also draw controller curves via the MIDI Editor. Curve #7 is for volume but it can be different from VST plugin to VST plugin. Some plugins use the ModWheel controller curve (#1) for volume. You need to check the manual for the plugins you use.

If you want to control Magix Vita Instruments with a MIDI controller or a specific controller curve you can simply right click on the GUI controls and set everything up the way you want it. This also works differently or not at all for other plugins made by other developers.

You can export MIDIs via the MIDI Editor if you want to edit them in other applications. They can be reimported via the MIDI Editor or by dragging and dropping them from the file browser in your Music Maker project.

If you have notes for two MIDI channels in one single MIDI file you need to import the file twice. Then open the MIDI Editor and set the channel filter accordingly.

Former user wrote on 8/10/2023, 12:53 PM

What's "Curve #7"? As far as I understand FX will have an effect on the whole track. For example, I have a 100-note MIDI file on 1 audio track. I need to make some notes quieter and some louder. It is clear how to do it. There is "Velocity" in MIDI Editor.But I need, for example, to make the 88th note loud at the beginning and quiet at the end of the 88th note.I guess it can be done in MIDI-editor, but I don't know how to do it. It can also be done in "externen-editor" (Sound Forge), but I can't send MIDI file from Music Maker to Sound Forge.I would be very happy if you could tell me what "Curve #7" is and how to open it or where it is located?

SP. wrote on 8/10/2023, 1:23 PM

@Former user In the MIDI Editor, in the area where you can edit the velocity, there you can switch from velocity to a controller curve with the drop down selection on the left side. There you can try to switch to the volume curve (#7) and draw a declining curve where your 88th note is located. But this will also lower the volume of all other notes playing at the same time in the same MIDI object.

Is your MIDI file monophonic or polyphonic? For monophonic MIDIs this shouldn't be a problem.

If it's polyphonic, then what you need is basically MIDI MPE (for controllers like the Roli Seaboard or Expressive E Osmose), where each played note gets its own channel and can be individually modulated. Music Maker doesn't support MIDI MPE.

In Music Maker you need to work around this by placing the notes you want to modulate individually on a second track. For this, copy the MIDI object and delete all notes except the ones you need.

Sound Forge is a pure audio editing software. You cannot send MIDI to it for editing.

David-Barselow wrote on 8/10/2023, 2:12 PM

Wouldn't a fade-out do the same job or is that the same as in the description above.

SP. wrote on 8/10/2023, 2:14 PM

@David-Barselow A fade out on MIDI objects simply lowers the velocity of the notes, not the volume.

Former user wrote on 8/10/2023, 2:54 PM

@Former user In the MIDI Editor, in the area where you can edit the velocity, there you can switch from velocity to a controller curve with the drop down selection on the left side. There you can try to switch to the volume curve (#7) and draw a declining curve where your 88th note is located. But this will also lower the volume of all other notes playing at the same time in the same MIDI object.

Is your MIDI file monophonic or polyphonic? For monophonic MIDIs this shouldn't be a problem.

If it's polyphonic, then what you need is basically MIDI MPE (for controllers like the Roli Seaboard or Expressive E Osmose), where each played note gets its own channel and can be individually modulated. Music Maker doesn't support MIDI MPE.

In Music Maker you need to work around this by placing the notes you want to modulate individually on a second track. For this, copy the MIDI object and delete all notes except the ones you need.

Sound Forge is a pure audio editing software. You cannot send MIDI to it for editing.

Thank you for trying to help. Do you mean this?

SP. wrote on 8/10/2023, 3:03 PM

@Former user Please click on the third icon from the left to open the curve editor:

P.S.: Bist du zufällig im englischen Teil des Forums gelandet? Weil deine Oberfläche ist ja auf Deutsch eingestellt.

Former user wrote on 8/10/2023, 4:36 PM

@Former user Please click on the third icon from the left to open the curve editor:

P.S.: Bist du zufällig im englischen Teil des Forums gelandet? Weil deine Oberfläche ist ja auf Deutsch eingestellt.

Sorry. But maybe you didn’t understand my question. What you show me, I know about it. When you click from the bottom of the editor, “sliders” appear and you can adjust the “Velocity”.When I manipulate the slider, the whole note changes. I only need half of the note.The note at the end just breaks off. And I need it to "fade out".Approximately as it can be done with MP-3. But this cannot be done with a MIDI file. I need 1 (one) note to change the volume at the beginning and end of one note.Or is it possible to somehow add a "slider" from the bottom? I don't know about it.Sorry, maybe this is easy for you, but I'm just getting started. Maybe there is a video on how everything works in the MIDI editor? Sorry, I re-read what you wrote again. You wrote that I can create a curve. Can you show in more detail on the screenshots which buttons to press? Perhaps a certain "pencil" is needed after clicking on what you showed me? Maybe you need more "hot keys"?When I press, I just have "sliders" from below. There is one slider for each "note".

SP. wrote on 8/10/2023, 4:50 PM

@Former user Like I wrote before, you can change the Velocity curve to another curve (what you want to try is the volume curve #7) on the left side. See this picture at number 4. You can display up to four curves at once (number 5).

Former user wrote on 8/10/2023, 5:28 PM

@Former user Like I wrote before, you can change the Velocity curve to another curve (what you want to try is the volume curve #7) on the left side. See this picture at number 4. You can display up to four curves at once (number 5).

You have a very interesting screenshot. And here's how it is for me. I have Music Maker Premium.I understand that you include some functions, that you have a lower part. I don't have this part. And also there are no 3,4 and 5.I would be glad if you could tell me how to do it.And then I got the feeling that I'm playing "Wheel of Fortune".:) Thanks again for your patience and help.

SP. wrote on 8/10/2023, 6:14 PM

@Former user You can drag the divider of lower area with your mouse to make it bigger or smaller. Then the additional buttons will appear.

Former user wrote on 8/10/2023, 6:41 PM

@Former user You can drag the divider of lower area with your mouse to make it bigger or smaller. Then the additional buttons will appear.

I thank you for your help.Could you recommend video tutorials on working with Music Maker. But not how to make loops. But how to work with 2-3 midi files at once. And in general, where can I get information about the program, but not in professional terminology?

SP. wrote on 8/11/2023, 12:52 AM

@Former user Without the terminology it will be tough to find information or ask questions. I don't know any tutorials. You might check the tutorial section of this forum and search for user made tutorials or search on YouTube.

I'm not sure what you mean with "how to work with 2-3 midi files at once". You simply repeat all steps with each file.

Former user wrote on 8/11/2023, 4:38 AM

@Former user Without the terminology it will be tough to find information or ask questions. I don't know any tutorials. You might check the tutorial section of this forum and search for user made tutorials or search on YouTube.

I'm not sure what you mean with "how to work with 2-3 midi files at once". You simply repeat all steps with each file.

TThank you for your help. I have an additional question. You can see on the screenshot: one "Note" is blue, and the second "Note" is brown.I only need to affect the brown "Note" to. If I do it like in the screenshot, it will affect both notes.It's just that there are a lot of combinations. And it will be problematic to find the right one.I try to do this, I try different combinations, but the effect is on both "notes".I highlight the brown note and I believe that I need to find the right combination. But so far without results.If you or anyone else knows the correct combination, then please tell me how to do it.

SP. wrote on 8/11/2023, 4:45 AM

@Former user Yeah, like I described earlier you need to split the notes onto multiple tracks.

Copy the MIDI object onto a second track, load the same instrument, and delete all the notes you don't want to affect with the controller curve. Make also sure to delete all notes from the first track that are now on the second track.

If you want to fade out each(!) note gradually, please check the ADSR settings of your VST instrument. ADSR stands for attack, decay, sustain and release. If you increase the release value more and more each note played will fade out more and more slowly after the end of the note (= after releasing the key on the keyboard, that's why it is called release).

Former user wrote on 8/11/2023, 5:00 AM

@Former user Yeah, like I described earlier you need to split the notes onto multiple tracks.

Copy the MIDI object onto a second track, load the same instrument, and delete all the notes you don't want to affect with the controller curve. Make also sure to delete all notes from the first track that are now on the second track.

If you want to fade out each(!) note gradually, please check the ADSR settings of your VST instrument. ADSR stands for attack, decay, sustain and release. If you increase the release value more and more each note played will fade out more and more slowly after the end of the note (= after releasing the key on the keyboard, that's why it is called release).

Thank you, I understand. I agree with you that if I created the melody myself using a MIDI controller, it would be much easier to do.But this is a separate midi file.Therefore, there is an additional question :)) Now I also need to copy the VST instrument so that the sound on the second track is the same as on the first.Is there any way to copy the VST instrument? Otherwise, I will have to pick up by ear the same sound and effect as on track 1.

SP. wrote on 8/11/2023, 5:40 AM

@Former user You can save and load the current settings of Analog Synth as a VST preset via the Plug-in menu in the plugin window or by clicking on the preset selection drop down menu (saves and loads settings as a Vita Layer).

Former user wrote on 8/11/2023, 7:17 AM

@Former user You can save and load the current settings of Analog Synth as a VST preset via the Plug-in menu in the plugin window or by clicking on the preset selection drop down menu (saves and loads settings as a Vita Layer).

Sorry, I understand that I may have already bothered you with my questions. But I can’t turn the volume down.The volume changes only if I set the same configuration as you have in the screenshot above.But then the sound itself changes completely.And in order to return the original sound back, I have to load the settings into the VST instrument. And after loading the settings, the volume does not decrease. :((I have already set 7 everywhere, but nothing comes out. Is it possible that some special configuration is needed so that the sound itself does not change and the volume slowly goes down?

SP. wrote on 8/11/2023, 9:01 AM

@Former user DN-e1 doesn't automatically map curve 7 to its volume controller. To map the curve to the controller, open the GUI of DN-e1 and make a right click on the volume controller and select MIDI learn. Then play your song. The first controller curve values it will receive, will be mapped to the volume controller.

I'm not sure what you mean with "the sound itself changes completely".

Former user wrote on 8/11/2023, 9:38 AM

@Former user DN-e1 doesn't automatically map curve 7 to its volume controller. To map the curve to the controller, open the GUI of DN-e1 and make a right click on the volume controller and select MIDI learn. Then play your song. The first controller curve values it will receive, will be mapped to the volume controller.

I'm not sure what you mean with "the sound itself changes completely".

Thank you very much!!!When "changing the sound", for example, there was a soft synthesizer, soft and with an echo. And it became hard and without echo.But with this "volume" went down as it should.I also talked about editing several Midi files at once in one MIDI editor at a time.Can take a MIDI file from 1 audio track and from 2-3.. and edit at the same time. Just need to understand how to edit these "layers" so as not to spoil another MIDI file. This is a new Music Maker, as it is written on the site.Thanks again, I learned a lot.