Purchased Audio Cleaning Lab 2 about a week before ACL 3 was released

Paul-Mueller wrote on 12/19/2020, 12:40 AM


I just purchased Soundforge Audio Cleaning Lab 2, but I probably would not have done this just a week before it was upgraded to Soundforge Audio cleaning Lab 3. I saw nothing that a new version was coming out. There are supposedly free updates, but the program says that there are no program updates at this time. It looks like I am not going to get a free update to Lab 3, only improvements to "2". Is that right?

Can I return the product, get a credit, and get the latest version? I was trying to find a support telephone number but I couldn't find one.

Paul Mueller


emmrecs wrote on 12/19/2020, 4:20 AM


Can I return the product, get a credit, and get the latest version?

Yes. All Magix products come with a 30 day money back guarantee. Contact infoservice@magix.net and request a refund and then order the new version.


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