Purchase completed, no Key

James-McMillan wrote on 10/14/2018, 10:58 PM

I upgraded my MM software to Pro+80's thats in the in-app store on PC right now.
The sale was completed, it came with some other program as well, iZotope Ozone Elements v8.00

I was sent an invoice from MAGIX, confirming the purchase and it contained the CD key for the izotope, but not MM Pro.

It also isnt showing in my owned products page.
Confirmed with the CC company it was charged

It did give me credits for the 80s and maybe pro? but it wont give me the ability to have more than 8 tracks.

It looks and functions like it did when all i had was the EDM version.

Any thoughts on how get my key? (I did put in a ticket, but it will be 2 days it said.)

WIN 10
32gb Ram
1tb SSD


emmrecs wrote on 10/15/2018, 3:34 AM

Hi, welcome to the Magix forums.

When you purchased your software you should have received an (almost immediate) email confirming your purchase, almost certainly a separate email from the invoice you mention. Have you checked carefully through that email because that is where I would expect the serial key to be given?

Once that key is entered and registered you will be able to unlock the software and then download and install all the additional content that is available to your version, via the Help menu. I would expect this to include the ability to access more than 8 tracks.


Forum Moderator

Win 11 Pro 64 bit, Intel i7 14700, 32 GB RAM, NVidia RTX 4060 and Intel UHD770 Graphics, Audient EVO 16 audio interface, VPX, MEP, Music Maker, Vegas Pro, PhotoStory Deluxe, Photo Manager Deluxe, Xara 3D Maker 7, Samplitude Pro X7 Suite, Reaper, Adobe Audition 3, CS6 and CC, 2 x Canon HG10 cameras, 1 x Canon EOS 600D, Akaso EK7000 Pro Action Cam

James-McMillan wrote on 10/15/2018, 3:49 AM

Hi Jeff, thanks for taking your time to reply.
So, I'm only showing one email other than the auto response to my ticket. I did check my spam folder, and use the search function for anything with "MAGIX" in it to make sure I'm not just missing it.
The confirmation/order email did come within seconds of completing my payment.
I uninstalled, and reinstalled MM, that didn't work
It does show I "own" the 80s collection and it gave me the credits to spend, as well as for the other software it came with Ozone Elements.
However its not showing I own Premium, and isn't allowing me more than 8 tracks still.

I also have been checking the "MY PRODUCTS" tab to make sure its not in there.
In total I've tried uninstalling-reinstalling 3 times, It doesnt show up in the in-app store unless I click on "show purchased items"
I own the EDM (from the other day) 80s and Premium now, but in the "Activate Edition" tab only the EDM shows.

But again, I have a bunch of the credits to use so it knows i bought it.

Here are the details from the email:
Order number: XXXXXXXXXXAP
Order date: 2018-10-15
Item no. 3169 Maker 2019 Premium Edition + 80s $59.99
Amount payable:59.99
Payment method: XXXXXX
Your serials: iZotope Ozone Elements v8.00 : SNXXXXXXX


Thank you again, sorry if this was confusing, Its pretty late here and I needed to finish some audio before work tomorrow so I've been up trying to fix it.

shgrude wrote on 10/15/2018, 5:35 AM

Try logging in to your Magix account on https://www.magix.com/no/support/my-service-center/

It should list all purchases/licenses you have with Magix.

Then use the license number from there to enter into MMM

Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700HQ CPU @ 2.60GHz
Operating system: Microsoft Windows 10 Home (64-bits) OS 19041.450 (2004)
Memory: 64GB
Sound Card: NVIDIA High Definition Audio
Realtek High Definition Audio
NVIDIA Virtual Audio Device (Wave Extensible) (WDM)
Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 1920x1080 6GB

James-McMillan wrote on 10/15/2018, 11:10 AM

Apparently you don't get key, or proof of purchase from MAGIX or ProducerPlanet (yourname+owned/registered products) If you use the in-app store.

You also don't get a copy of the software, instead you get "credits"
So, If I want the rest of the features unlocked, like unlimited tracks or MP3 support I'll have to buy them.

I work with computer hardware as a profession, this has been the most convoluted software experiences I've had in sometime.
Just from the last 12 hours alone, I'm convinced that my $60 would have been better spent on Reaper and the rest of my time downloading free VST's and plugins.

It really bothers me that they imply you're being sold the same thing as the website, only to find out you don't actually fully unlock the software.
There is no asterix or fine print saying "hey chump, you'll still need to pay us to unlock the rest of the features you just thought you paid for"