punch-in/punch-out for live record???

d4dalton wrote on 2/7/2010, 5:13 PM
I am currently running Magix Music Maker 15, and most of my songs will be utilizing live recording. The problem is it is difficult to immediately start my instumental record when i have to quickly shift my hand from clicking on the "record" button to my intrument... I am forced to wait a measure or two while it is recording before playing my instrument so i can start exactly on time with the beat. This inevitably results in a sample that contains the blank space of my waiting to get on beat at the beginning, which may include unwanted sound from say, shifting my fingers into place on my guitar, that i don't wish to be in my recorded sample.... So my question is this:

Is there some sort of count-in or punch-in  feature, in which i can hear a measure or two of metronome clicks before the recording function actually starts? Or even better, a way to start the playback of the song at whatever point i want and have the recording feature  automatically punch-in at a particular point, and end (punch-out) at another point?


CBY_TLSE wrote on 2/8/2010, 5:23 AM

You can define with the Beatbox on a dedicated track some beats with a drum or anything else that you drag just before your recording point. After recording you mute this track. You can re-use it anywhere.

ozcorps wrote on 2/12/2010, 1:44 AM
best format ive found is use Spacebar on the keyboard to start the track while clicking the record button with your mouse. Honestly though i would get used to using headphones for the beat and once it loops around to your start point just click the vocal record button and start when you beat drops

as for the empty line for the bars you say nothing can be dragged up to the first  section or in my expereince i just shortten it and leave it from a equal amount of bars on the front and back end of the vocal ie 16 bars make it 16.5 bars a .25 bar on each side of the vocal

let me know if you need something more vid or what ever