Proper sample rate for exporting as WAV?

CC-Thornley wrote on 1/6/2023, 4:16 AM

I made some music. I tried to export it as a WAV file, but it came out cracked and distorted. I tried exporting again as MP3 and it came it perfectly. But I need it be a wav file for other work.

I know this due to the sample rate.

Can anyone advise me on what the recommended sample rate is that I should export as WAV? Is there a way to find out what rate I should be using? Is it in my settings? Or MMM settings? Or am I doing something else wrong?

Thanks in advance!


SP. wrote on 1/9/2023, 9:39 PM

@CC-Thornley Are you sure it's the sample rate? You can also change it in the project settings under the File > Settings menu. Usually it should be 44100 Hz (CD quality) or 48000 Hz (modern digital audio quality).

Cracked and distorted audio usually means that your project is clipping (the master channel volume goes into the red). It might be that the MP3 export lowers the volume automatically but the WAV export doesn't.

CC-Thornley wrote on 1/10/2023, 12:04 AM

Thanks for the response!

It wasn't clipping, that I know for sure. I monitored the levels, also it didn't sound like a clip. Definitely a sample rate fail sound.

But!!! As it happens, I tried it again, and this time, for some weird reason, it worked perfectly. I have been having many struggles with this program and they are all very mysterious. I have a suspicion that it has to do with the program requiring to be online and connected to their store at all times. Because I am having big issues with logging in. One theory I have as to why the export failed is because it had disconnected from my account and therefore revoked my premium privileges. I could be wrong though. But I will often be working on a project, suddenly have all my fx go, then the program will crash. But when I log in, I can't connect to my profile, and when I do it defaults to the free version and I have to re-enter my register code.

Last night I installed the latest patch, so I'll see if that makes a difference. I am having many, many issues with it though. So many I don't know where to start and get a paralyzed when looking for help.

SP. wrote on 1/10/2023, 8:57 AM

@CC-Thornley Do you reboot your computer regularly? This might help with driver problems.

Usually, if you are logged into your account your session should stay valid until you close the program even if the internet connection gets lost. This it how it worked in the past. But I'm not sure if this was changed in newer versions. Logging in and unlocking all features can take a minute. I always wait about one minute after I start Music Maker to prevent problems with unlocking features.

Just ask this forum if you encounter problems. A lot of problems may be solved in relatively short time or maybe we can offer some workarounds.

CC-Thornley wrote on 1/10/2023, 4:04 PM

Oh yeah. I reboot often, because of this program. Sometimes it works, sometimes not. Sometimes I actually turn my computer off, walk away for ten minutes, try again.

I'm not sure if I'm on the right track with the account theory. It does seem to have that pattern though.

Last night I had to abandon a project and edit it in Audacity. I had recorded my piece, but because I can't fade out multiple objects I had to export as a wav file, open a new a project, then fade out the end. Unfortunately when I imported the new wav file it only imported the first 30 seconds. I had to open the wav file in Audacity, which I know quite well, and fade out the end that way.

That makes me think I am using the program incorrectly, that it was designed for me to make loops out of other people's work and not create my own instrumental loops, in other words, encouraging me to use the store. But I am a musician and want to create my own stuff. I am using the program basically as a drum sequencer. I lay down a drum track via the beatbox, come up with a bass line, loop it, (except it won't let me "loop" it, I have to cut and paste it,) then lay down my instrumental tracks on top, and then add fx. But it is EXTREMELY buggy, which makes me think I am not using the right program. But I don't know any others that let me loop my own drum tracks. I'm really struggling with it.

SP. wrote on 1/10/2023, 5:39 PM


Sometimes I actually turn my computer off, walk away for ten minutes, try again.

Turning the computer off will only save it's current state to the SSD and load it again if you turn it back on. That's why restarting is the better option.

I had recorded my piece, but because I can't fade out multiple objects I had to export as a wav file, open a new a project, then fade out the end.

Yes, that's a good way to easily fade out many objects at once. You could also draw a volume automation curve for each track.

Unfortunately when I imported the new wav file it only imported the first 30 seconds. I had to open the wav file in Audacity, which I know quite well, and fade out the end that way.

I'm not sure why it would only load the first 30 seconds. Usually the project should automatically increase length if the audio objects go above the end.

(except it won't let me "loop" it, I have to cut and paste it,) 

The looping option is hidden in the Edit > Object menu. Click on any audio object, navigate into the menu, activate the loop area and then you can loop the object.

But it is EXTREMELY buggy, which makes me think I am not using the right program. But I don't know any others that let me loop my own drum tracks. I'm really struggling with it.

Yes, sadly it's currently very buggy. I can only advise you to try the demo version of Samplitude Music Studio. It's much more feature rich and runs a lot more stable. But it has a steeper learning curve.

Music Maker is good at combining pre made loops to create something like background music very fast for non-musicians and people who don't want to micro-manage their projects. For example, I like the Song Maker feature to find some inspiration. But for users who want to create their own compositions this program can become very limiting.

In Music Studio you can just activate looping for any audio object via the object editor or the right click menu. It's much more convenient.

CC-Thornley wrote on 1/14/2023, 5:20 AM


I've spent the last 4 days working on a track. I can't export it to either WAV or MP3. Now, when I attempt, it just crashes.

Regarding looping: Yes, I knew about the "hidden" bit, but it doesn't work.

I'm having so many issues with this program. It's just so, so broken. it's extremely frustrating. I think I wasted my money. I may have to just cut my losses and move on. It's just such a terrible program.

I have no idea why it's not exporting. I have tried every setting available to me. I have gone over the forums looking for a solution but there isn't one. Apparently, I can't export files if I use vst plug-ins. Which is unbelievably crap, since I paid for this program, there is no reason for this. So I suspect, that is so illogical it can't be right. It must be something else. But what? I don't know. As of tonight the program stays open only as long as I don't touch anything in it. The second I do - crashes.

Can anyone recommend me a better program that will do what I need to do? Really the only reason I am using it is to create and loop drums I then compose over on other instruments. Some basic effects would be great too. I'm just so done with this program.

I may make this post on another thread in case this one gets buried. Thanks so much for your time.

Here's the three songs I did manage to create using this program, that, yes, had vst plug ins and did export to both wav and MP3, no problem.

I'm looking for program I can create music on just like that.

SP. wrote on 1/14/2023, 5:32 AM

@CC-Thornley I believe Samplitude Music Studio can open MMM projects (but you cannot reopen them in Music Maker afterwards because Music Studio modifies the project files while it loads them, so definitely make a backup of your projects folder and files before you try this). I'm not sure how good this will work if your project uses Music Maker's exclusive effects or instruments.

Your constant crashing might be caused by a VST or audio driver problem.

I would advise that you update your computer audio drivers to the newest version. If it's possible you can try to open the program settings and change the audio driver to Direct Sound. This driver has limited features (no realtime monitoring during recording) compared to ASIO but it might run a lot more stable and you might be able to export your song.

CC-Thornley wrote on 1/14/2023, 5:42 AM

Unfortunately when I select direct sound it immediately crashes, usually freezes and I have to open task manager to quit it.

CC-Thornley wrote on 1/14/2023, 5:45 AM

Could I open it in Sound forge?

CC-Thornley wrote on 1/14/2023, 6:00 AM

OR Would it be possible to play the piece, and then record the feed directly off my sound card into Audacity? I don't have Samplitude and after my experiences with Music Maker I kind of want to avoid buying anymore Magix. Sorry!

CC-Thornley wrote on 1/14/2023, 6:13 AM

Oh wow. I think I found a solution.

So....instead of changing the audio driver inside the program, I did it at the log-in page, where it says "soundcheck." Track played ok through my speakers.

Opened Audacity, recorded directly of my sound card!!

It's not ideal, but it'll do for now, and I think I might try a different program, because this Music Maker on SUUUUUUUUUUUUCKSSSS!!!!

Sorry if you like it, but my experience with it has not been good and I kinda feel a bit ripped off.


SP. wrote on 1/14/2023, 6:41 AM

@CC-Thornley Ok, at least you found a way to save your project to audio. Do this before you might try my next advice.

Only changing the driver should not crash the program. I believe something might be broken with your Windows installation which can happen over time. Are you regularly restarting (not shutting down!) your computer so it can reset all drivers and background services and install pending Windows updates?

You can check your system for corrupted system files with the SFC tool from Microsoft