Hi everyone,
I'm using Movie Edit Pro 2016 Premium.
Cut a Video of 10 mins length, involving some 15 Video elements. For 6 Video elements, I had to engage ProDAD Mercalli for stabilizing them, with very good results, btw :-)
Then, I felt the need to insert another (new) Video element at the Middle of the timeline, and a second one at the very start of the timeline. For doing this quickly, I grouped and ungrouped respective Video elements several times altogether, moved them, and finally put them in place, again.
To my great surprise, I found some of those 6 Video elements, which have perviously been stabilized by ProDAD Mercalli, labeled as "Not yet stabilized". In other words, I had to process ProDAD Mercalli for a second time on them.
My Question: Is it indeed normal, ProDAD Mercalli stabilizing data go fishing by moving / re-arranging Video elements on the timeline?
Thank you for Advice,
Ellie L.