Once again I'm seeking the collective wisdom of other users!! I suspect it may be something to do with the issue I raised in this thread. Although it may equally be not at all connected.
At this link https://we.tl/t-oClKn3kn7h there is a folder containing two very short video files available to download, Demo01 and Demo02.
Demo01 is a very short segment exported from a much longer VHS digitisation in VPX16. Demo02 is (more or less) the same footage after export from the same source footage as Demo01 to DVD (Image Recorder) and playing back the resulting .iso file prior to actual burning.
I haven't included the MediaInfo data since that will be accessible to anyone downloading the files and scanning them with MI.
Obvious question, I hope: why is there such Image Ghosting/Duplication in the DVD version?
Just as a little additional background: this VHS tape is one of five I have been commissioned by a client to transcribe to DVD. The other four have been fine but this one, which is actually the second of a two-tape set, has proved to be a real pain! The original video, from a late 1990's TV series is seemingly not otherwise available on DVD.
I would very much welcome any thoughts/ideas/suggestions to help make the DVD viewable!!
I should add: I also "Burned to DVD" (Image Recorder) from MMS 2025 Suite, with the identical result.
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