Problem with automation

musictechmonkey wrote on 7/31/2017, 7:06 PM

I may have come across a problem with the automation in music studio. The automation curves in the individual tracks do not seem to be synchronized with the mixer's sliders properly. If I create volume automation on a track using the curves method I can see the fader move no problem. However it the fader is manually moved by accident or on purpose to check something, the automation on the track does not change it back on the next playback. What the automation does is move the fader yes, but it seems to be offset by the amount the fader was manually moved by before. And to be clear this is with the mixer channel not set to write automation. So if you accidentally move a fader in the mixer your level does not get moved back properly on the next playback by the track volume automation even though you have not changed any automation information. Is that a problem or is that how the automation and the mixer were intended to work.
