I am planning to use headphone/room correction software (Acustica Sienna).
The LONG way of using it is to insert the plug-in on my master buss and making sure I remember to turn the plug-in off before rendering my final mix.
But I'm 70 years old and forgetful.
So I decided to insert it on the monitor section and remove it from the master buss..
Both the Master buss AND the Monitor send their output to my audio interface (Steinberg UR22 Mk II)
My question is this. Do I still have to deactivate the plug-in, or is the monitor bus separate from everything else?
I know, probably the simplest of answers, but please, I'm doing my head in trying to find out.
Thank you in anticipation>
Pro X8 Suite: Monitoring Routing
wrote on 1/26/2025, 11:03 AM