Pro X6 not going below 1/8 grid setting

tim-cox wrote on 4/30/2022, 9:20 AM

I have tried every way I know of to get my grid to go below 1/8 in Pro X6 but it will not. I set 1/16 but it stays on 1/8 and will not move down.

I save the program to bars and beats at 1/16 but it opens in SMPTE and 1/4 snap. Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong.

I just installed the latest version of Birdline. Any known issues with that to cause this?


SP. wrote on 4/30/2022, 9:34 AM

@tim-cox It works fine in my version of Pro X4. I can set the grid size in the project settings or by right clicking on the grid bar.

Here are not many Samplitude Pro X users and I don't have version Pro X6 and cannot test it there. I would suggest you create an account at the official Samplitude forum and ask there.