[Preview] SOUND FORGE Audio Studio 12

MAGIX_Redaktion wrote on 7/21/2017, 9:00 AM

Dear community,

We are very close the new SOUND FORGE Audio Studio 12 release. Define the edge with the new version starting from August 7th!

With this release, we will have reached the second milestone on our SOUND FORGE roadmap:

What features and improvements can you expect?

  • 64-bit support
  • Pitch correction
  • Accurate meters
  • Updated audio effects
  • Slice editing
  • Soft cut

If you want to dive deeper into the features, check out our article explaining them in more detail: http://magazine.magix.com/en/first-impressions-sound-forge/

Do you enjoy preview articles like these? What topics would you like to see covered in the magazine? If you have any feedback, please, let us know. 🙂



sergio-borrero wrote on 7/21/2017, 12:40 PM

Nice! Thanks for the 64-bit support. What exactly is Cleaning Studio version do? Is there a chart with a comparison of the three versions?

MAGIX_Redaktion wrote on 7/25/2017, 8:23 AM

@sergio-borrero You are welcome!

Right now there is no comparison of the three versions. Just look out for our releases. You will get all the information you need then, starting with SOUND FORGE Audio Studio 12 on August 7th.

jim-martin wrote on 11/7/2017, 12:40 PM

How About 64 bit Support and VST3 Support in Soundforge Pro 11 Windows ?

jim-martin wrote on 11/14/2017, 12:29 PM

I own Samplitude Pro x 3 Suite Would I benefit from Sound Forge Audio Studio 12 ?

MAGIX_Redaktion wrote on 11/21/2017, 9:13 AM

Hi @jim-martin,

I think there is no definite answer to that. It always depends what you want to do with the software.

Just have a look at our product page: http://www.magix.com/de/sound-forge-audio-studio/

If you are curious, you can try the test version or you are happy with Samplitude Pro X and used to the workflows, then you keep working with that. 🙂✌️

tom-r wrote on 2/8/2018, 12:36 PM

How do I replicate the effect called "Wave Hammer" in Sound Forge 12.5? That feature was available in an earlier version of Sound Forge 7.0.

emmrecs wrote on 2/9/2018, 3:57 AM


Hi, welcome to the Magix forums.

You have posted your perfectly legitimate question to the "News" section of the forum. I think you would be more likely to receive a response if you repost it to the main "Audio" section of the forum, here.

Forum Moderator

Win 11 Pro 64 bit, Intel i7 14700, 32 GB RAM, NVidia RTX 4060 and Intel UHD770 Graphics, Audient EVO 16 audio interface, VPX, MEP, Music Maker, Vegas Pro, PhotoStory Deluxe, Photo Manager Deluxe, Xara 3D Maker 7, Samplitude Pro X7 Suite, Reaper, Adobe Audition 3, CS6 and CC, 2 x Canon HG10 cameras, 1 x Canon EOS 600D, Akaso EK7000 Pro Action Cam