I can't work in this dark mud. The workflow in AP7 was so much clearer. I could see spikes, clips, dropouts without any issues without zooming in to anything.
This dark color theme is a complete mess. I feel like I'm a blind person trying to use a computer with some enhanced contrast view. Ironically it makes it excruciatingly difficult to find the ends of clips, sound waves, fx curves...
Please tell me the lighter color scheme is coming soon.
The reason why AP7 color scheme stayed the way it was is that it worked 100% all the time. Jumping on the bandwagon of Logic, Ableton, Sonus (this is the worst one) color scheme for NO apparent reason nor benefit is .. shortsighted.
Painting the sound clip waves in dark color - who came up with this brilliant idea? How can you see anything with this?
or I'm just going old I guess..
anyway, end of rant. I should've tried the trial version before buying it right off the bat mistakenly thinking that in our day and age the GUI designers give us at least 2 different color themes. Over and over again I'm proven wrong.