Playing non-existant sounds, bugs, crashes.. you name it...

Cloudglow wrote on 8/24/2018, 6:05 PM

Music Maker plays randomly other sounds on top of the song when I try to make my song, basically making the program completely useless. Not to mention lots other bugs which I have encountered. Also program randomly crashing every now and then is unbelievable. Why haven't the program been tested properly? This should have never been released at its current state. 😩


fan-boy wrote on 8/24/2018, 6:35 PM

frustrating . I already had 2018 , I am back to 2018 and ok again . anyone going straight to 2019 is screwed until they get it fixed . they said they redid the audio engine for better sound quality in ver. 2019 . 2018 sounds just fine to me , MM is always 16 bit 44.1 khz .