playback music full of static

Frank-Trenery wrote on 6/27/2021, 12:24 PM

I have downloaded the sound forge 15 program 6 or 7 times over a two day period. Every time I get static over my music playback. I've used sound forge 10 for many years, had no problems. Please help I have a brand new DELL INSPIRON AIO 27 DESKTOP. if i can't get this new version to work, can i use my old version of sound forge 10 on both of my computers?


rraud wrote on 6/27/2021, 3:31 PM

I use SFP-10 occasionally as well. but for the legacy UI, which I prefer for some types of work,

Are files MP3? does the same behavior occur on PCM (.wav) files? I have seen reports of static on Dell PCs, I recall someone very recently posted a remedy, but I cannot remember where. Search for 'Static' on this forum and the Vegas Pro audio (sister) forum,

btw, welcome to the Magix Sound Forge users forum @Frank-Trenery.

UPDATE.. found it in my SF notes folder
It is a registry tweak, so heed the usual warnings about forking with the registry.

Realtek driver issue with Dell PCs.
- Launch the Windows registry editor ('Windows key +R' type in "regedit")
- Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / Software / ASIO
-  Delete the 'Magic Low Latency 2016' entry

This was posted by a user who has SF-AS (Audio Studio) .
My PC w/ SF-Pro, does not have this entry (or the static issue).

Norm-Freeman wrote on 6/27/2021, 3:39 PM

This issue was solved by removing the "Magix Low Latency 2016" driver from the registry as rraud describes above. Here is a link to that thread. Seems to be an issue with new Dells.