Hi! I'm having trouble dialing in the right CPU settings for Samplitude Pro X8 Suite.
I'm running it on an Intel(R) Core (TM) i7-6700 CPU@3.40Ghz, 64.0 GB Ram. Windows 10
My audio interface is a Scarlett Solo 3rd Gen.
I've tried different buffer sizes in the Scarlett and in Samplitude.
The track will play, but the play cursor is freezing for a sec after about 4-8 seconds playback.
Audio of the track isn't interrupted, but I'm getting record errors during recording.
Just don't know what to set the buffers to for smooth playback.
I've lowered the Scarlett buffer to 128 and raised to 1024, but the issue remains.
I've varied the number of CPU buffers between 2-8, no noticeable difference.
The play cursor seems to freeze right before the end of each midi drum pattern.
Hoping to get some answers on if my setup can run this Samplitude or if I'm barking up the wrong DAW.