Pitch for 33 1/3 - 45 - 78

JoaoBC wrote on 10/18/2019, 8:32 AM

Friends, good morning.

I was reading this forum:

I learned by reading: how to adjust the pitch to scan old 78 discs using 33 1/3 or 45.

In the text it shows that:

"use pitch 14.72 to record 78 at 33 1/3"

And "Pitch 14,72 = 14 semitones / 69.8 cents" (ratio = 2,34)
It also shows

"Use pitch 9.52 to record 78 at 45:

And "9.52 = 9 semitones / 50.7 cents" (ratio of 1.7333) .

My question:
what's the calculation to turn 14.72 into 14 semitones + 69.8 cents?
what is the calculation to turn 9.52 into 9 semitones + 50.7 cents?

I need to scan/record a 33 1/3 LP using 45.

The pitch will be -5,195512.
Is this the same as 5 semitones and how many cents?



rraud wrote on 10/19/2019, 11:46 AM

Welcome to the Magix Sound Forge group @JoaoBC.

I do not know if this will help but here is a link to a detailed note / frequency table which may make ] calculations easier.

hyperlink= https://pages.mtu.edu/~suits/notefreqs.html

JoaoBC wrote on 10/20/2019, 8:54 PM


The information don´t apply for my question.