Pitch Bend / Guitar Slide Effect for MIDI Notes

FirstAidChris wrote on 2/6/2024, 9:07 AM

I'm using the latest version of Magix Music Maker.

When I listen to the store demos of certain VSTi instruments, like the "Dobro" and the "Folk Instruments", I can hear that they have a pitch bend effect on several notes. This is something I would come to expect from a Dobro, frankly, since its an instrument recognizable for this specific sound.

When I open the VST Instrument Editor for each, the musical keyboard has a pitch bend wheel to the left, but I can only record from the MIDI Editor or Keyboard window. I don't see any way to add a pitch bend within either of those.

I found one tutorial from many years ago that shows how to add Pitch Bend in the same location as the Velocity editor, but I don't see that anywhere (see screenshot above).

I checked the manual and tried multiple Google searches, and I'm surprised to come up empty-handed.

Can anyone help me please?


SP. wrote on 2/6/2024, 11:54 AM

@FirstAidChris Your MIDI editor window is too small to show additional controller buttons. Make it larger or undock it and use it as a separate window.

You also have some baked-in bending if you switch the playing style of the guitar with the yellow D note.

Additionally, the pitchbend is locked to two semitones up and down. This might not be enough for you. You can right click on the Pitch control knob on the instruments interface and map it to a MIDI controller. Then, in the MIDI editor switch from pitchbend to the respective controller number and draw a curve. This will give you a pitchbend of two octaves up and down.

FirstAidChris wrote on 2/6/2024, 12:01 PM

You are fantastic! Thank you so much!

That was just what I was looking for.

Screenshot below for those who need it as well: