Photostory Slideshow DVD Bad picture quality

cayoumans wrote on 2/2/2010, 3:33 PM
Hi, I'm a brand new user.  I made a simple DVD of my vacation photos with the Photostory slideshow wizard.  When I play the resulting DVD on my DVD player, the photos are pixelated along edge lines.  I made a CVD with Nero and did not have this problem.  What can I do?
My DVD burner is HL DT ST DVD+RW GSA H31L
DVD Player  Sony DVD/DV/Video CD
TV Sony Bravia HD


cayoumans wrote on 2/5/2010, 1:51 PM
Thanks to Magix support I got an email answer to my question.

In the final burn screen, go to Encoder Settings. Turn off the Anti-Flicker Filter. Then click on OK and try burning, that should get rid of the pixellation.   

I tried this and it fixed the problem.