PhotoStory 6 Trial Problems

jwylie wrote on 7/2/2008, 2:24 PM
I downloaded a trial version of Photostory 6 for evaluation. But on launching the program it says my trial has laready expired! This is before I have ever used the product. Anyone else have this problem or found a way around it? I have contacted support by email but have had very little replies that have been of any use. Most were just computer generated homogenous answers.


ralftaro wrote on 7/3/2008, 7:56 AM
Hi there,

The only circumstances under which this would happen is basically if the program detects that the trial was already installed before (possibly a long time ago). The trial could also expire prematurely if the date and time settings on your machine get messed up somewhere along the line. Even if you correct them again, the program will already have made a note of the expiration and you wouldn't get it to work again. Unfortunately, not that much you can do.

Maybe you have access to another system where you could trial the program. Most likely you don't want to reinstall your operating system just to get the trial to work again.