So time ago I've made a project with different photos, video files and music files. Now I have to make some small tweaks. Opening the project will just tell me that's the video file has not been found.... the file is an mp4 video file... Of course I could open the project normally and working with it time ago. I've also already did a DVD time ago. The project was archived on an external usb hard drive using photostory option to "backup" every files t that the project use from the different path folders. If i try to tell the program to open the file it's just tells me that the file is not found.... It just won't open it.... The file is working correctly in a video player...
If I try to add the file manually to the timeline it tells me that the file cannot be read, that the usb unit is wright protected or full, and there is the error message "quicktime is not installed" but it is... Moving the file to a different directory on the system drive "C" doesn't make a difference...