A few things are driving me crazy about this program.
1. The manual says that in Storyboard view I can double click any duration to change it. Not true, the cursor is a hand and double clicking does nothing.
2. I imported a 5 minute VOB file (unprotected), but I can't get its audio to play. I can see the audio envelope underneath the video object on timeline, but no sound. I've tried "reset volume curve" no no avail. BTW, I see no way to adjust the volume curve anyway, it's just a thin green horizontal line with no handles. The cursor becomes a small triangle when near the volume curve, but all you can do is draw dotted rectangles -- nothing changes the horizontal line.
Possibly my problems are because I started this project with the "Travel" movie template and the video was dropped into a "Wide" placeholder. Eventually I figured out that the placeholders were useless and deleted the rest of them.