Photo Manager - show all pictures/videos

rgp1942 wrote on 2/1/2024, 3:41 PM

I am a dedicated Picasa 3 user, but want to switch to a more modern up to date Photo Manager. I am testing Magix Photo Manager Deluxe in hopes that it can be my Picasa replacement app.

I have thousands of pictures and videos spread across multiple drives on my Windows 10 PC. I want to use Photo Manager to organize them. To do this I need to show all of the image and video files on a given drive, or in a given folder, including all of the subfolders. I will then go through the pictures to select them by categories I have created (family, hobby, etc. - several dozen) I will then move all of the selected photos to a folder on a given drive with the folder name of that category. I have watched all of the PM tutorial videos, and done some web searching, but I can't find a way to get PM to show all of the photos/videos in a drive or folder, INCLUDING SUBFOLDERS. How do I do this? I don't want to use the "Albums" concept because I want the files organized by folders so that any Windows app can utilize them (does not require Magix).

P.S. In Picasa you can move through media files with the keyboard arrow keys, then press the space bar to put them in a "stared" container. From there you can move, print, export, mail, etc. the selected media. Is there a way to use a shortcut key in PM to select media instead of having to mouse-click the little box on the image (slower than just pressing shortcut key)?



rgp1942 wrote on 2/4/2024, 1:42 PM

Does Magix PM automatically scan all the drives and folders attached to a PC? I don't find a way to control which drives/folders are to be included in the "data base". If scanning is automatic, then in a system like mine with 7 drives and ten's of thousands of media files, I would need to let PM "idle" for a while to find everything? Will I then be able to see all of the images on say Drive D: without having to open each folder?