I have finished a slideshow with Photostory 2014 Deluxe. However, there are "fragments" - for lack of a better word - of images used elsewhere in the slideshow that remain stuck on the timeline after the end of the show itself. They are invisible in the timeline, no matter how much I zoom in, so I can't cut / delete them. They show only for a second or so if I run the timeline marker over them, and/or if I try to save the project as an MP4 file they are saved as part of the slideshow, ruining the end (instead of ending where I inteneded, the slideshow keeps running with a black screen - no photos or music - until these "ghost" images are played back, then the file stops playing.) I tried to save the file, getting out of Photostory and reopening the file hoping it may be some sort of cache issue, but these ghost images are still there. Any idea of how I might be able to remove them? Can I copy the "good" portion of my slideshow project onto a new file somehow? I tried the cut and paste but it doesn't seem to work across projects. Thanks.