Peaks recording audio

xevi.noe wrote on 2/12/2022, 9:54 AM


We are having some problems recording audio. In the past, randomly our audio recordings has a lot of peaks; and when we normalize and undo normalization, these peaks dissapear. Visually there are peaks, but we can't hear nothing. It happens also when we are recording audio from a midi track.

But actually it happens so often; and sometimes an amount of peaks didn't dissapear from our audio recording after "normalization + undo" procedure. We changed our computer, audio card; and we have a new mixer. And the issue continues appearing.

We use Samplitude Pro X5 (we don't want to move to the new version); but we tried to install Samplitude Pro X6 (we are in the evaluation period) to see if this problem is solved, but it continues happening. We tried also to test different parameters from the audio setup, but I think we are not getting the key.

I don't know if there is a workaround to solve it.


If needed, I can provide some audio files, or pictures, or a video or a recording example.





Xevi Noè


Graham-Hawker wrote on 2/12/2022, 12:02 PM

Someone else had this recently. I don't know if they found an answer. It could be a ground problem and interference from something such as lights. There is a dedicated Samplitude forum

This is a user forum for all Magix programs and Magix support don't come here often.

xevi.noe wrote on 2/12/2022, 1:48 PM



Well, we moved to another studio recently, and have the same issue. We though about groud or interference, but didn't find the source.

And we where working well having the "normalize - undo" workaround... since these late days.

I'll take a look to that forum, thanks!
