Pay for Multi-Core Support...

Former user wrote on 7/14/2018, 7:24 PM

It's 2018. Why is this even a thing?

I guess that's what they meant when they went to the new system where you "get new features as they release..." We forgot to read the fine print "as long as you're willing to pay for them."

But this is an insulting cash grab. Multi-Core has been standard on PCs for over a decade. This should not be a feature that requires payment.

Also, poor performance and CPU utilization in the Free version isn't exactly a glowing endorsement for someone to upgrade to Paid SKUs.


fan-boy wrote on 7/14/2018, 8:05 PM

well , Music Maker Premium 2019 comes with your choice of 8 Premium music synthesizers and 9 Features of your choice , to include 5.1 audio , and multi-core ,...etc,...from the in-app store . that is pretty good .

if someone is using "Music Maker Free" , then yes , must pay to get those features added to Music Maker Free .

Former user wrote on 7/14/2018, 10:36 PM

What about those people who had Music Maker 2017 Plus moved to the 2018 version, picked some features, and are now SOL for something that is, theoretically, supposed to be built into the SKU they have?

Are they also going to be stuck with Ogg Vorbis Loops, or will those be updated?

Why can't MAGIX just give us a proper update to the latest version at the same SKU, instead of the awful system they currently have of buying a certain SKU and then being SOL when they add to it later on, but you've already picked the "wrong" features?

You also lose Loops by going to the latest version, and the amount of features they give you to pick doesn't account for the number of features you lose going from 2017 Pro to the "New" Music Maker. So I went back to 2017 Plus after seeing this.

Using your serial to add an Edition does not properly tag that "Edition" of Music Maker as being purchased in the Store. It's a completely broken upgrade system.


ralftaro wrote on 7/25/2018, 9:11 AM

Hi there,

I suppose this all depends on how you look at this. I'm not going to defend all MAGIX product strategy decisions as the non-plus-ultra way of doing things, but if you're going to have a "Freemium" style product as a company, you'll need to have some paid-for features and content to be able to monetize and further develop that product. The truth is actually that, even as a completely free user, or a user that hasn't purchased the multi-core support yet, you'll be able to benefit from the new generation's engine. In this generation 27.x, the program has been outfitted with a Samplitude-based audio engine, which generally performs better than the old Music Maker one. It will automatically take advantage of two cores now (one for the GUI and one for the audio engine), even if you haven't acquired the multi-core support feature. Adding that feature will then give the audio engine access to further cores available on your CPU. So, maybe, with this additional information in mind, the whole approach sounds a little more even-handed. You can either go for this basic feature set completely free of charge, simply by updating to generation 27.x from within the software, or you can get full multi-core support by purchasing it individually or going for another generation of the "Premium" edition. Keep in mind, that, under the old product strategy with regular, annual releases, you wouldn't have been able to benefit from any such improvements in the next software generation free of charge. Now, with the "Freemium" model, it has become possible, and you will receive the most recent improvements and bug fixes in the core program. Ok, enough of that. I'll get of the soap box now. Selling things isn't really my line of work. 😉

By the way, in generation 2019 (27.x), you can now actually choose between using OGG Vorbis and WAV format for the soundpools within the software. So, it's not all bad. 😀