Ozone9 issue with latest SF15 update

TIMGTRMAN wrote on 2/23/2022, 7:40 PM

(I am 69 and my vision is not good and I am having a hard time seeing the gray fonts in this website. so bear with me if this is not correct as I have never posted here before.)

I received an update to SF15 and all went well with the update as it fixed a few issues such as spacebar/play and now it remembers the prior setting when returning to an effect like Ozone9. The issue with this update has been the loss of 'hard limiting' in Ozone 9 when mastering a song.

It will do some dynamic compression and every other function seems fine in the Maximizer section of Ozone9 but the final results are not 'hot' like they used to be, in other wards there is a lack of gain in the final outcome. So I end up having to use a different 'hard limiter' FX in order to make the final song volume to where it needs to be. It had worked great before this update, so I imagine others will also notice this at some point when mastering a song.

Running on HP Probooks Win7 and no other issues with SF15, it has been a great product that I have used over a year now.

Thanks, TIm


rraud wrote on 2/24/2022, 10:25 AM

Welcome to the Magix Sound Forge users community @TIMGTRMAN,

I do not think it has anything to do with the Sound Forge update, nor has there been any reports of the issue. Double check the settings in Ozone.. maybe reinstall it,

I am having a hard time seeing the gray fonts in this website.

If you use Firefox, PaleMoon or the Chrome browser, install the add-on extension "No Squint" which has parameters to change the text size, color and background color, overall zoom, ect. globally or on individual websites. I have the Magix websites on my laptop to display white text on a black background enlarging the text to 105%, Highly recommended for us old dogs.


TIMGTRMAN wrote on 2/26/2022, 9:36 PM

Thanks for the reply, I am able to work around this somewhat by just boosting the line in levels in Ozone but it usually is too hot of an input signal for my taste, whereas before this update it did an excellent job of knowing how much hard limiting for the song. I would not want to try and delete and reinstall because I do not have the actual files just the OTA upgrade and I better leave well-enough alone.🙂

I will try the 'no squint' FF add-on as some websites are just too hard to view with light gray fonts.

Thanks Again,
