Ozone 9 Advanced EQ stalls for 19 seconds when opening on SFP14

Damon-Lynch wrote on 4/1/2021, 11:32 AM


I'm evaluating Sound Forge Pro 14 64 bit (Windows build 130) via a trial. I have Ozone 9 Advanced installed. When I select it from the FX Favorites menu to be able to apply it to an open file (i.e. not via a Plug-in Chain), the Ozone 9 EQ window does not appear for 19 seconds. All the Ozone plug-ins take this long. Other iZotope plug-ins (e.g. RX 8 standard, Nectar 3) open without any delay. Hardware is Ryzen 3900X with 32 GB RAM.

Can this problem be fixed?

Here is a screenshot of the plugin folder. If I remove the Steinberg folder from the VST path list, it makes no difference.




rraud wrote on 4/1/2021, 12:45 PM

Ozone Elements generally takes a few seconds longer to open than many other VST plugs, But :19 is excessive.
I have not read of the this behavior before. Does Ozone open 'normally' in Vegas, other Sound Forge versions or audio applications?
You can experiment with Ozone's settings (gear icon above master faders) I would also try moving the Ozone <.dll> file to another VST folder. Otherwise uninstall and reinstall Ozone Elements.

TR_Mala wrote on 4/1/2021, 1:59 PM

I have the same problem. Every Ozone 9 plug-in module takes anywhere from 18-23 seconds (I've timed each module) to load, with an additional 10-12 seconds after applying an effect before processing begins. This problem is isolated to Ozone 9's modules and none of the other iZotope programs I have installed: Ozone 8 Advanced, Neutron 3 Advanced, etc. They load almost instantly. This problem began several weeks ago around the time I installed a major Windows 10 update. Unfortunately, I can't pin point the exact update because I have since reformatted my hard drive and have loaded everything from scratch. I have searched the internet for solutions, and have so far come up empty.

Damon-Lynch wrote on 4/2/2021, 10:08 AM

Thanks @TR_Mala that's really very useful information. I chatted with iZotope support just now and they've opened a ticket to investigate it further. I'll report back on any progress.
@rraud yes Ozone does open normally in another program I'm also evaluating, Wavelab. (FWIW I'm still a beginner user but so far I prefer the workflow in SF).

xman_charl wrote on 4/2/2021, 4:10 PM

No 18-23 seconds for my installation...

sound forge pro ver 15 (build 27) 64-bit

notice this item some other thingys:

This release by VR has following flaws:

Loading slow which does not happen some versions

installer conflicts, compatibility not regular

My instllation, installed VST2...no more Izotope not responding

Works very well...

Have also used Izotope RX 8 Advanced...prefer izotope 9 advanced

see photo for what I use...

Damon-Lynch wrote on 4/3/2021, 4:18 PM

I have the same problem.

iZotope support got back to me. They suggested two things:

  1. installing iLok License Manager: https://ilok.com/#!home
  2. Turning off Ozone analytics in the prefs.

For me, the 2nd step (which I tried first) had no effect. The first step worked, happily. So problem solved. Hopefully ilok won't cause other problems! I'd prefer to not to have to install it, but such is life I guess.

TR_Mala wrote on 4/4/2021, 9:01 AM

I have the same problem.

iZotope support got back to me. They suggested two things:

  1. installing iLok License Manager: https://ilok.com/#!home
  2. Turning off Ozone analytics in the prefs.

For me, the 2nd step (which I tried first) had no effect. The first step worked, happily. So problem solved. Hopefully ilok won't cause other problems! I'd prefer to not to have to install it, but such is life I guess.

Strange. That worked for me as well. I wonder what they changed. I've had Ozone 9 Advanced since it was first released and the module delay problem didn't happen until fairly recently. In any case, thank you! Much appreciated.