Ozone 8 gives an error, how to install?

Chase-Razabdouski wrote on 7/10/2018, 5:50 PM

I've installed Ozone 8 in MMM2019 Premium, and it shows as acquired in the store and shows my product registration ID, and the item even shows up in the FX rack under VSTs . However, when I try to load the VST in an FX rack, I get an error saying:

This plugin is not available. Please check whether you have purchased the selected plugin and are logged into the Store.

The plugin is acquired. I'm logged in. I see the VST in the rack options. MMM shows the product ID for Ozone in the Media Pool Features panel... still, it won't open. I can't find installation instructions for Ozone 8 in Music Maker anywhere.

MMM2019 on Windows 10


ralftaro wrote on 7/27/2018, 7:45 AM

Hi there,

Please make sure you have already unlocked the VST plug-in support (by obtaining the "Creative Suite" from the features section in the in-app store). The lack of this should be the only possible reason (outside of actually not being logged into the store with the correct account) that might still produce this particular error message in version 2019 (27.x) of Music Maker. If that doesn't help, please follow up with MAGIX support. Thanks!
