Greetings... I'm coming back to Magix Music Maker 2025 Ultimate vol 2 on Windows 11, and I'd like to use it with some sound pools I bought 10 years ago for Magix Music Maker 15. I have the original CD's and I've copied them to my hard drive, but when I import them into Music Maker, the pitch is not detected and the names are all garbled. I've attached a screenshot to illustrate what I mean:
I also have a few other general questions.
First, where is the option for changing the tempo of an individual loop? There used to be a "timestretch" feature, but I can't find it in 2025. I looked through the effects rack and couldn't find it. When I go to the properties for the loop in the arranger I see the option to half or double the tempo, but that's it. I'd like to be able to change a 180 bpm loop to a 120 bpm loop, for example.
Second, is there an option to change the tempo of an entire track and have it be different than everything else? So I could have one track going at 180 bpm and another at 120 bpm?
Third, when I go to "install additional content," the same features (Vita 2, etc) always show up, no matter how many times I install them. How do I know they're fully installed?
Thanks for your time!