
ralftaro wrote on 7/21/2008, 8:47 AM
You're getting "bugs"? I don't think that's what you're getting. What exactly are you having problems with? It more sounds like you're having trouble getting started with Website Maker. If you have the boxed version, have a look at the tutorial videos/presentations on the disc. Otherwise, check out the help resources and tutorials on the official Website Maker site and here on in the workshop section:

You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to open the downloadable PDF files.

I hope this helps. If you're having a specific problem or usage related question, feel free to post it here on Just keep in mind that it's hard to help if the question is too general or too vague.
Man o' Lakes wrote on 8/1/2008, 1:03 AM
Depends what version you got, but if you're not stuck with easy, you should have nigh on 80 templates. Lot of people happy with a lot less. No idea what you mean by buggy, when I had problems Maigx told me to get my flash player up to date, my internet browser to accept pop ups, and check that the old security software isn't stopping you. I even heard of one user trying Mozilla firefox, as he couldn't get a grip on his Internet Explorer. Bizarre, but it did it for him.  It's not software is it, but an internet application, so check all that on your computer.