
SP. wrote on 1/29/2024, 7:36 AM

@Mongoose1056 You are sure you entered the correct e-mail?

Maybe your e-mail provider is blocking Magix e-mails? In case you never used your new e-mail account for Magix, it might take it little bit of time. Maybe 15 minutes up multiple hours.

In the meantime please contact sales support at or shop@​​​​​​​ and ask them for assistance. But if you're unlucky you might don't get the support e-mails either.

Mongoose1056 wrote on 1/29/2024, 7:42 AM

Thanks for the quick reply. I am sure I used the correct email. I had to use a register a different email to be able to post here. I will try the supplied contact emails you gave me...thanks. I made this order 3 days ago and have check spam folders and junk mail. I don't think my email provider is blocking Magix but I am going to check that now.