I just got mx 18 plus today for my new i5 win7 64bit machine and I have found that when a clip is placed on the timeline it doesn't run in the preview window when dragging the start or end points. Is this right?
If you are dragging the start and end points then you will not see the clip in the preview window - doing this means you are cutting of some of the start/end of the clip. - is this what you mean?
To see the clip in the preview window you must either:
Press the play button below the preview window
Press the spacebar
Drag the orange timeline cursor
Use the left/right arrow keys to step through the clip with or without holding down the Ctrl key (with steps through 5 frames at a time instead if single frame)
It will also worth reading the installed pdf manual.
Your post is woefully sparse on useful information, but I took you to mean that you start the clip playing in one of the normal ways that John summarised and then when you drag the start or end points the playing stops. If so, the answer is No.
Sorry if I didnt explain fully. I am placing a clip on the timeline, I am then placing the pointer at the beginning of the clip until the pointer changes to the vertical line with arrows and then dragging to position where I want the clip to start/end. As I do so the preview window runs through the clip so I can see whats happening.
In Magix 15 which I have used previously this works fine. In Magix 18 this doesnt happen. I have to drag the orange time marker line over the clip instead and then shorten the clip by dragging the start/end points.
Is your MEP patched to the latest version - UDC2 ? If not update the program.
Before re-installing use Windows Explorer to search for videodeluxe.ini - include hidden and system folders - the one you want is the biggest in file size - delete it. Start MEP and see if this fixes the problem.
If you do a re-install make sure you run the Magix cleaner tool available here before you install again otherwise you are wasting your time.