New Update! Sound Forge Audio Studio 15 KA3 (build 57)

craig-d wrote on 8/24/2021, 1:50 AM

Hello Sound Forge Fam!


Here are the patch notes for the new update to Sound Forge Audio Studio 15 KA3 (build 57):

  • MP3 file support - MP3 Codec activation removed (fixes import / export issues)
  • Fixed some Encoding and Localization Issues
  • GUI Update Issues
    • Fixed a bug where the enabled/disabled status of toolbar items sometimes wasn't updated properly
    • Fixed a bug where some toolbar icons have been disabled after closing the Statistics window
    • Fixed a bug where the Waveform sometimes wasn't updated during playback or recording
  • Markers and Regions
    • Fixed a bug where Marker and Region names were not properly displayed in some contexts
    • 2 Markers can no longer have the same position
    • 2 Regions can no longer have the same startpoint and length
  • Remote Recording
    • Fixed some bugs where Shortcuts wouldn't work while Remote Recording/Remote Record window is focused
    • Pressing space while Remote Recording/Remote Record window is focused should now work as expected
    • Setting Markers with "m" while Remote Recording/Remote Record window is focused should now work as expected
    • Added tooltips to Remote Recording toolbar
    • Added Alt+R as a Shortcut for hiding/showing the Main Window
    • Added Ctrl+Alt+7 as a Shortcut for the Remote Recording Window
    • Improved readability of remote record status
  • Enabled the option "Spacebar and F12 Play/Pause instead of Play/Stop" by default. If you prefer the Play/Stop behavior open the Options->Preferences Dialog, select the "General" tab and disable the option


Thanks, enjoy, and we wish you all the best with your audio projects!


Paul-Richards wrote on 8/24/2021, 4:33 PM

I upgraded my Sound Forge Audio Studio from v14 to v15 on Sat. Aug 21,2021 and installed in on windows 10 pro 64bit.

I am not a professional or a musician. I use SFAS for personal use to record, edit and save music for creating CDs and Flash Drives to use in my car/home.

When I used it after installation, I saved music files as mp3 and they saved in a few seconds. On Sun. Aug 22 I did the upgrade to (Build 57). Then when I saved music files to mp3, it took 4 or 5 times longer than the time it took to record the file. If I saved it to a wav file, it saved in a few seconds.

I use another program to convert from wav to mp3 and it converts almost instantly. This is extra work that wasn’t and shouldn’t be necessary.

I don’t want to go back to SFAS 14 32bit just so I can save files to mp3. What am I missing?

diegomsrtv wrote on 9/1/2021, 6:17 PM


I was killing myself after the upgrade..

Thanks for the

"Enabled the option "Spacebar and F12 Play/Pause instead of Play/Stop" by default. If you prefer the Play/Stop behavior open the Options->Preferences Dialog, select the "General" tab and disable the option"

Thank you, thank you, thank you...