new track objects lock to existing objects on other tracks and only move together.from that point.

Chipshot wrote on 1/8/2011, 8:10 PM

I have added a track with music that I want to sync with voices already edited. If I add the new track in any position beyond the current tracks, I can move it. But when I slide the audio object to the left under existing objects to sync it, most of the other objects move with it as I try to sync it. I need to move it only in order to sync it.

I must be missing something, since I have not has this problem before.


nihon94 wrote on 1/9/2011, 2:43 AM



It is better if you use group and un group, look at screen shots and try to understand that will be helpful.

Screens shots are marked red and green, for help there are numbers on it in red. I am using MMM 16 Premium in this example.

First put everything on arranger what ever you have made.

Click on Edit and follow screen shot and Group items you want to move altogether and leave rest.

Image below all marked in red numbers are grouped except the unmarked in centre.


I have moved the grouped to right leaving unmarked on its position.


In this image you can see I have stretched the ungruped, unmarked in green to left while rest is on right.


Later from same Eidt menu you can un group objects if you want.


Hope this example might help you.


Note You can apply the above method for your syncing.


Additional: sorry if does not work on samplitude


Thank you


CBY_TLSE wrote on 1/9/2011, 3:07 AM



I use MMM 15 and don't know Samplitude, but perhaps it is similar.



Are you sure of the mouse type action: object, tracks, all etc...?


an MMM 15 example 




nihon94 wrote on 1/9/2011, 3:59 AM

Samplitude 11 Pdf page number 53 about grouping


"Object -> Select objects -> Ungroup all objects by time" temporarily ungroups all objects from the group. In this case, the "Preserve group" button will blink. If the function is reactivated or if the blinking buttons are pressed repeatedly, then the groups will be reproduced and the button will stop blinking and return to inactive status.


Shortcut: "Shift + Alt + Ungroup"
"Ctrl + Alt + Ungroup button" resets the grouping history.
Saving ignores the temporary condition, but records the original grouping.


Thank you
