New install on Win7 and SForge won't show levels or a Cursor

david-bannerman wrote on 3/21/2017, 1:32 AM

I recently loaded a fully licensed version of SForge 11 onto my new Win 7 desktop..except S Forge won't record... has no cursor bar that moves, nor do the VU meters function. Extremely bizarre. If I try to record... and move my cursor into the edit window.. it shows a small red circle with a line through it. Its acts almost like a trial version has ended. I've been using this program for years and I have never seen this. I've uninstalled and re-installed but makes no difference. Does anyone have any idea what it is doing ? 0dB


rraud wrote on 3/22/2017, 10:25 AM

SCS changed (forked up IMO).. the record (and plug-in chainer) GUI in SF-11. Go to "View>Record Options" (shortcut: "Ctrl+Alt+5"). Record ready and Record initiate are in the 'Transport' menu. Make sure the proper 'record' audio device is routed correctly selected in "Options> Preferences> Audio"