New file - Save or Save as...both create a different file (SFPro 14)

sophocles wrote on 7/20/2020, 4:44 PM

I've created a new file by pasting a part of another file.

Now I want to save it. Whether I choose Save or Save as, a different file is created, and I'm left with the generic "Sound 1" file still open, and SF asks if I want to open the newly saved file.

I want the file I'm saving to be the file I name (as it used to do). I never want to save the generic auto created "Sound 1" name. But it seems no longer possible to save the file I have open as a different name. Instead it creates another file, and leaves this "Sound 1" file open. (Which must then be closed, and the dialog prompting to save it also closed.)

Anyone else having this problem?



rraud wrote on 7/20/2020, 6:20 PM

Try disabling "Options> Preferences> General> Always open dropped files in a new window."

Are thw dropped files PCM? If they are of the lossy type . In the same menu, try enabling "Always proxy compressed formats".

What file type are you saving as . A new 'Sound 1' file is a temporary PCM until it is saved to a specific format,

James-Lo wrote on 7/21/2020, 9:59 AM

@sophocles Yes, this also happens on SF Pro 13. I upgraded from Pro 10 where it didn't work that way. I've always assumed it was to keep you from losing work, e.g. sometimes I unintentionally save stereo files as mono because that was my last selected template, so it's nice that SF keeps the original stereo version around.