Need Serial Number for Samplitude Music Studio.

Nao-Thao wrote on 5/5/2021, 4:30 PM

I've bought your bundle Music Maker Plus Edition + Samplitude Music Studio from BestBuy and registered them on 2/5/21, but I still can't use them. Now I just learned that I also need serial number for the Samplitude Music Studio. I have tried to register the Samplitude Music Studio by following the registration steps that I used for the Music Maker Plus Edition, but it asks me for the serial number, which I don't have yet, when I got to the last step.

What do I need to do in order for me to get the serial number for the Samplitude Music Studio?


SP. wrote on 5/5/2021, 4:46 PM

@Nao-Thao What did you get from Best Buy? Some voucher codes or serial numbers for both programs together or each program separately?

Graham-Hawker wrote on 5/6/2021, 12:10 AM

I've seen reports that the Samplitude Music Studio is just a 30 day trial. I think with these you request a serial from inside the program.

Much more sensible to get the Fanatical Music Bundle with the full version for not much even if it is the 2020 version.