
SP. wrote on 11/9/2023, 2:07 AM

@iikka-uusitalo Is a MIDI keyboard connected? Is 'MIDI REC' enabled in the track header?

iikka-uusitalo wrote on 11/9/2023, 2:23 AM

i have a midi controller connected. midi rec was enabled. when i try to record with midi rec on the same track i want to record from, it just records silence and gets rid of the audio / midi track by recording on top of them. when trying to place midi rec on an empty track to record from the one next to it, it doesn't work either

SP. wrote on 11/9/2023, 2:26 AM


when i try to record with midi rec on the same track i want to record from, it just records silence and gets rid of the audio / midi track by recording on top of them.

Okay, I'm not exactly sure what you are trying to do. Of course, you need to record on an empty track and not over an already recorded track.

You can upload a screenshot of your problem via the blue arrow icon above the response text box. Maybe this will help me, to understand your problem better.

Basically, I don't understand what you mean by recording from one track to another track.

For example, if you want to convert a MIDI recording to audio, you can simply export your project as WAV files and re-import the WAV files into your project via the internal file browser.

Also, Music Maker can only record a single track at once, not multiple tracks.

iikka-uusitalo wrote on 11/9/2023, 2:30 AM

im just trying to record sound from track 4. so i turn on midi rec on empty track 3 n try to record. sound is playing from track 4 but recorder is not recording :/ just creates an empty clip

SP. wrote on 11/9/2023, 2:36 AM

@iikka-uusitalo Yeah, MIDI REC waits for MIDI input from a MIDI keyboard or the on-screen keyboard.

I think the best idea is to export track 4 as a WAV file (set it to Solo) and re-import the WAV file on track 3. This should solve your problem.

iikka-uusitalo wrote on 11/9/2023, 2:42 AM

so i cant just record me turning the knobs while the track is playing

iikka-uusitalo wrote on 11/9/2023, 2:51 AM

because id like to record while adjusting the knobs and sliders etc

SP. wrote on 11/9/2023, 3:02 AM

@iikka-uusitalo Which instrument are you using? A Magix Vita Instrument? You can right click on a control or slider and assign a MIDI CC number. Then you can draw a CC curve for this number in the MIDI editor, which will move the control during playback.

If you want audio recording from one track to another you need to enable Stereo Mix or What-U-Hear on your computer. Make a right click on the speaker icon on the right side of your Windows taskbar and select Sounds to open the Windows sound settings. Switch to the record tab and disable the microphone and enable Stereo Mix/What-U-Hear via the right click menu. In Music Maker open the program settings and go to the Audio/MIDI tab. Make sure the Music Maker ASIO driver is selected. Click on the Advanced button to open the driver settings. Select Stereo Mix/What-U-Hear as the input device. You might need to increase the buffer size to 2048 samples to prevent the audio from crackling. Then set track 3 to AUDIO REC and start recording. It will record the playback of all other tracks. If you only want to record the output of track 4 set it to Solo.

In case you have an external USB audio interface with ASIO drivers you don't need to use Stereo Mix or What U-Hear but instead enable audio loopback in the ASIO driver settings of your audio interface. If your interface doesn't have a loopback feature you need to connect its output and input with an audio cable.

iikka-uusitalo wrote on 11/9/2023, 3:19 AM

i have a MPD218


i can't find what you hear

SP. wrote on 11/9/2023, 3:42 AM

@iikka-uusitalo I believe What-U-Hear is only available for Creative soundcards like Soundblaster. Most computers have Realtek Audio chipsets with Stereo Mix.

If you cannot see them, you need make a right click inside the record tab of the Windows sound settings and select to show hidden devices.

Your device seems to be a pad controller, not an audio interface.

If your computer hasn't the Stereo Mix or What-U-Hear feature your only option is to get an external USB audio interface with ASIO drivers and a loopback audio feature.

iikka-uusitalo wrote on 11/9/2023, 4:07 AM

thanks i got it working

iikka-uusitalo wrote on 11/10/2023, 11:35 AM

well it doesn't work anymore

SP. wrote on 11/10/2023, 11:36 AM

@iikka-uusitalo Please upload screenshots of your settings via the blue arrow icon above the response text box.

iikka-uusitalo wrote on 11/10/2023, 11:53 AM

i cant see the arrow you mean

iikka-uusitalo wrote on 11/10/2023, 11:54 AM

iikka-uusitalo wrote on 11/10/2023, 11:54 AM

SP. wrote on 11/10/2023, 11:57 AM

@iikka-uusitalo Thanks. Don't use ASIO4ALL. Use Music Maker ASIO.

iikka-uusitalo wrote on 11/10/2023, 12:00 PM

none of them work

SP. wrote on 11/10/2023, 12:03 PM

@iikka-uusitalo Please show us the Music Maker ASIO driver settings. Click on the Advanced button to open them.

iikka-uusitalo wrote on 11/10/2023, 12:04 PM

where is the advanced button

iikka-uusitalo wrote on 11/10/2023, 12:06 PM

SP. wrote on 11/10/2023, 12:07 PM

@iikka-uusitalo Please switch to Music Maker ASIO before clicking on the button:

Edit: Okay, thanks. That looks good and should work fine. If you get crackling, you might want to increase the buffer size from 1024 to 2048.

Don't forget to set the track you want to record on to AUDIO REC.

If this still doesn't work, try to restart your computer. Please select the Restart option and not the Shut down option. I hope it will work again.

iikka-uusitalo wrote on 11/10/2023, 12:09 PM

i did

iikka-uusitalo wrote on 11/10/2023, 12:12 PM