Need help with 11 Rack set-up as DAW

DrNico1140 wrote on 1/20/2022, 1:02 PM

Hi there,

I'm new to digital recording and have to admit this is more challenging than expected. Can anyone offer suggestions as to how to get Music Maker 2022 Premium to find and accept the Eleven Rack as its DAW? I can't seem to fins anything specific out there that clarifies my issue / concern.


SP. wrote on 1/20/2022, 3:49 PM

@DrNico1140 You need to set up the audio driver in the program settings. Click on the gear icon in the top left of Music Maker to open the program settings and go to the Audio/MIDI tab.

You probably need to select the Eleven Rack ASIO driver as your audio driver. This should give you the option to select the inputs of your rack to record your instruments from and to select the outputs of your rack to listen to your recordings. You can select the audio output in the program settings. Connect your speakers or headphones to the output.

If you selected the driver and output you can close the program settings and click on the gear icon right next to the record button. This will open the record settings where you can select the input you want to record from. Here you can also enable monitoring with a checkbox. If monitoring is disabled you cannot hear the live sound while recording in Music Maker.

To record on a track click on the red button in the track header until it says AUDIO REC.You can now start the recording.