Iv'e had magix since October 2021, and I have updated it through to July 2025. However I have run into a problem that is causing me to resent this program despite me telling everyone how great it was when I started. It all started on January 25th when I released my newest song. The program began throwing errors and crashing constantly, from access violations to it claiming not enough ram to straight up freezing.
I have reinstalled and deleted the program from registry.
Getting a new piano(it was crashing when i plugged in piano after finishing the song suddenly.
Getting new ram sticks, getting new ssd and hdd.
Uninstalling all audio drivers and going into safe mode reinstalling.
Upgrading to windows 11
Removing my antivirus malawarebytes(Ive been a member for 14 years it wasnt an issue but still tried)
Uninstalling everything I could think of and resetting registry
Downloading programs to check for program conflicts
Asking outside help in the forum of IT forums and producers
Taking pc to shop
Doing a full system virus scan(someone got in my head telling me someone may have given me virus out of spite idk..I never linked my song anywhere or clicked anything without scanning first.)
Rebuying Magix( incase the constant reinstalling was activating some program lock)
Nothing is working...the program just doesn't work and I am at the point of tears.
I started getting noticed...had to turn down commissions cause now I can't make music. I am at my wits end. I took down the song cause someone told me how to make it more marketable..and now i can't even access it. It not even that song anymore...I cant use magix at all.
Here is my pc information, I just don't know what else to do anymore....It went from working flawlessly to me releasing a song and now crashes all the time. Please help, I got help here before..this is final call for help before i throw in the towel for magix for good as I can't make music with a broken program when I want to get noticed.