
rraud wrote on 1/7/2022, 2:41 PM

I think 45 was the first 'published' build of SFP-15. I had build13 initially but that may have been a beta. The earliest SFP-15 installer I have is build 64. Email Magix customer service ( ).

That said, I do not recall reports of display issues in any of the builds, so an early build may not be a fix Even if it does help, there were other bugs and such, so it would be a trade-off. For instance, the redesigned batch converter had problems in the first few builds. If you have SFP-14 or earlier, try one of those and you will not have to uninstall SFP-15 to go back to 14 or earlier, multiple version numbers will coxist w/o issue.

btw, best wishes fo 2022 and welcome to the Magix Sound Forge users forum.

Russ-Riba wrote on 1/9/2022, 12:43 PM

I use an iPhone as a secondary display, and since the updates, I am unable to use it effectively. Will find another secondary display alternative.