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The navigation / Menu Bar is not user friendly when the website has child pages (i.e.: tree structure): everything has to be set up manually. I'm trying to drum up support to upgrade / automate the navigation bar. If you only have a few pages, it works well. If you have a lot of pages, it becomes a chore. I'll "only" have about 80 pages on my website, but others on this site have indicated that they have 200 or more. I can't imagine handling setting up and/or making changes on those sites.
My background is programming in numerous languages for factory automation and doesn't include html programming, but I believe the changes would be fairly simple:
1) The root / level-1 pages would be grouped together at the top of the Page Gallery. The groups of child pages would follow the group of root / level-1 pages. (level-1 pages) (Page "X" level-2 pages) (Page "X" level-3 pages) (Page "Y" level-2 pages) (Page "Y" level-3 pages) (Page "Z" level-2 pages) (Page "Z" level-3 pages), etc. No programming changes are required at this point, it's just the user organizing/grouping the pages.
2) In the open space on the bottom of the "Link" tab of the "Web Page Properties" box, 2 items would be added
A) A pull-down box that show the list of all of the pages on the website. If a page has a sub-menu, the user would use this to select the first page of the group to be shown in that sub-menu. A child page can also use this if it has child pages of it's own, allowing one to have as many sub-sub levels as they want (limited by screen space, page name lengths, etc.)
B) A check-box labeled "End of Sub-Menu: Return", or something to that effect. The user would check this box to indicate the end of ALL menu groups, including the Main / Root menu. Ideally this would also turn on a red line, or other indicator, at the bottom of the page in the Page Gallery.
3) The menu compiler would have to be modified such that whenever it compiles a page with a page name shown in the item "A)" box above, it would branch out to that page / group of pages. When it reaches a file with the check-box in item "B)" above, it would return to it's parent level. If, before reaching a page with the check-box checked, it reaches another page with a page name shown in the item "A)" box above, it would branch out to that page / group of pages.
4) In the case of a hamburger (mobile) menu, since a page with a sub-menu has to be pressed to show the sub-menu, the compiler could be modified as followed: if "Page-2" in the root has child pages, automatically add ">>" to the name and place "Page-2 >>" in the root menu to show that there is a sub-menu, and show "Page-2" in the sub-menu.
5) To make this even more flexible, add the ability to select the starting point for the menu: if your on a level-2 page and want a menu on that page to show a level-3 menu for that page, you can select another group of pages,rather than the main/root pages.
The above suggestions could be a modification to the existing menu, or another menu that could be used in addition / in place of the existing menu.
I currently have 5 website development programs on my computer, and after going back and forth between all of the programs, have finally (currently?) decided on using Designer Pro X because it has so many good features. The current menu system, by far, takes the most time and work to set up and maintain. If the menu system were better, I wouldn't even consider using any other program.
Please "follow" this post if you support this idea. Add comments if you see problems or improvements.
If there's enough interest, I may add documentation, illustrations, etc.
Thank you.