My web page does not appear in the net...

karmenfl wrote on 10/14/2008, 4:59 PM
When I finished my web page, I published it in a domain I registered for. My control center tells me that my domain is active, and when I open my page through my control center, it opens. However, when I copy and paste my domain´s name on google (firefox or explorer) I see nothing and it tells me that no documente is found with that name.
I can´t find a phone number to call for assistant and it´s very frustrating not knowing what to do...

Sorry about my english, I am in Spain.

Thank you for your answer. I am afraid I didn´t know very well how to use the "grade this answer botton "and only a 1 came out, but your answer was very good.


Lazerboy wrote on 10/15/2008, 6:29 AM

This is normal and HAS NOTHING TO DO with the Magix product. If you type in the left search Box "Google" you see a lot of similiar question with a lot of answers and also tips how to improve the visibility on Google.

1. The Google crawlers are responsible to find a webpage but really work with very difficult algorythms that are updated from time to time. It can take two weeks until any search engine can find your website.

2. you can improve visibility with using the right keywords and site description (Website Maker, "options") and also with internal and external links to the page.

Please read also other feedback on similiar questions in this Community,

Have fun, Lazer